On March 5,Dr.Indermit Gill, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank Group, visited Lanzhou University(LZU).PresidentYang Yongping,memberof the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Vice PresidentWang Weimet with the guestsat the Yifu Science Building. President Yangintroducedhistorical developmentand distinctive educational featuresofLZU, and alsoreviewedthe forty-year-longhistoryofcollaboration between LZUand the World Bank.He emphasized that LZUhasdeeply delved intoareas suc...
Recently, Professor M. AslamBaig, Secretary-General of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences, sent a congratulatory letter to ProfessorXiongYoucaiof Lanzhou University (LZU),celebratinghis election as a foreignmember of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences.This marks the first time a faculty member specializing in ecology at LZU has been elected as a foreignacademician. Over the past two decades, ProfessorXiongYoucaihas beendedicated topromoting China’s northwest dryland water-saving agricultural technol...
Recently, Professor Niu Yifei’s team from the School of Nuclear Science and Technology and the Frontiers Science Center for Rare Isotopes at Lanzhou University (LZU), in collaboration with Professor Li Jianxing’s team from the School of Physics at Xi’an Jiaotong University, proposed a novel scheme based on regulating nuclear giant multipole resonances by using electron probes to solve a long-standing problem in nuclear physics “How to measure isovector giant resonances with higher multipolarity”...
Now, Lanzhou University has been the best university in the northwestern region of China, ranking as one of the top 30 among over 1,500 universities across China. It is one of the key universities administered directly by the Ministry of Education.