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Prof. Li Jing of Lanzhou University publishes paper on Philosophical Investigations


Recently, the article Both Wittgenstein and Kant Beg the Question, written by Professor Li Jing of Philosophy and Sociology School of LZU was published on Philosophical Investigations (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) online. It is one of a series of articles written by Prof. Li Jing when he was during an academic visit to the Faculty of Philosophy of University of Oxford in England. Prof. Li Jing is the independent author of this article and Philosophy and Sociology School of LZU is the first signature unit. It is reported that this is the first time that LZU professor published a peer-reviewed original article on the world-class philosophical journal included in AHCI (Arts and Humanities Citation Index). 

Both Wittgenstein and Kant Beg the Question demonstrates for the first time that the form of subject argument in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Kant’s The Critique of Pure Reason is Modus Tollens in the international academic community. In addition, the subject argument of the two works, written by the most famous western philosophers respectively, is Begging the Question. This article is conducive to reread the two western masterpieces on philosophy and reconstruct the subtle relations between them from a new perspective. It also helps to re-understand the controversial and age-old logical problem “Begging the Question”.

Click here to see the paper


(Translated by Li Xingyi; proofread by Zhang Yina)