On April 4th,2017, Gu Yuanguang, President of Pingtung University (Tai Wan) brought his delegation to visit LZU.
LZU’s President, Wang Cheng, gave a brief introduction to the university’s discipline structure, talent cultivation, academic research and cooperation with other universities. He appealed to more cooperation in innovation and business start-up, higher education quality, and more exchanges for faculties and students between two sides. Pres. Wang expressed that the cooperation between the twosides, teachers’ cooperation in specific, would enhance the communication of related disciplines and contribute to the growth of common interests in certain subjects so as to establish jointed laboratories and conduct industry-university-research cooperation.
Gu Yuanguang encouraged his students to make exchanges in LZU or to pursue master’s, doctor’s degree here by praising Gansu as a vast land with tremendous development space. He also welcomed LZU students to study and communicate in National Pingtung University.
The two parties did in-depth discussions on other details of cooperation during the visit.
(Translated by Zhang Yina; proofread by Zhang Lu)