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LZU "Grassland Agricultural System's Coupling and Management" Innovation Team gets continuing support by MOE

According to the official news, Grassland Agricultural System Coupling and Management innovation team, leading by Prof. Hou Fujiang of State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-ecosystems(SKLGAE), LZU, got continuing support by Ministry of Education(MOE).

Oriented by national vital demands, the innovation team focuses on three core scientific issues: grassland resource dynamic monitoring and biological disaster control, formation mechanism and regulation of grassland agro-ecosystem ecological productivity and grassland economy and social development in pastoral areas. The innovation team aimes to launch collaborative innovation and enhance the grassland sci-tech support to industry.

Under the leadership of LZU Prof. Ren Jizhou and Prof. Nan Zhibiao, both of whom are academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering and leaders in Chinas grassland science discipline, the team grows up through efforts made by the old, middle-aged and young scientists in the past decade and was elected to the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovation Team by Ministry of Education in 2013. Supported by SKLGAE, LZU, and integrated other disciplines like pratacultural science, zootechny and agricultural economics, the team is providing both theoretical and technical support for China’s transformation from arable agriculture to grassland farming.


(Translated by Zhang Yina; proofread by Li Xingyi)