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Famous Mathematician Shing-Tung Yau et al. lectured in LZU

International Conference on Mathematical Physics and Geometry, also the 157th LZU's Savant Lecture was held in LZU from August 20 to 22. Those who gave lectures in LZU included Shing-Tung Yau, international mathematician, professor of Harvard University (HU) and director of Yau Mathematical Science Center of Tsinghua University (THU), and other 8 world-renowned scholars from HU, THU, Stanford University and so on. He Deyan, assistant to LZU's president presided over the reports. About 1200 students and teachers from LZU and Northwest Normal University present attended the lectures. Otherwise, LZU's vice-president, An Lizhe met Yau and the others.

On the evening of August 20, Shing-Tung Yau's public lecture, under the theme of "Mathematics and Humanity", was held in LZU's Student Activity Hall. Yau illustrated the commonness between artistic creation and scientific study, and analyzed how humane attainment of scientists influences the development of science. He pointed out that the creativity of litterateurs and mathematicians came from the rich emotions, and that the cultural background of scientists would impact on their cognition of and study inclination to natural sciences. Therefore, mathematicians had better do some exercises in humane field so as to draw from colorful lives and nature some inspirations for scientific study and the perfection of math. Those inspirations are vital and helpful for a scientist, especially for those in the critical stage of their study.

During the meeting, 8 world-famous scholars including Prof. John Coates, Prof. Wilfried Schmid, Prof. Young Hoon Kiem of Seoul National University, Prof. Huai-Dong Cao of Lehigh University, Prof. Li Si and Prof. Yu Pin of Tsinghua University, Prof. Bong Lian and Prof. Huang An of Brandeis University, lectured in LZU Gezhi Building, sharing their research outcomes on number theory, Calabi-Yau manifold, Hodge theory, algebraic K theory, Ricci flow, quantum field theory in mathematical, physical and other fields.

(Translated by Zhang Lu; proofread by Li Qi)