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USA Discovery reports Lanzhou University research group of sand mechanisms

Recently, the USA Discovery Channel broadcasta documentary short feature of Prof. Huang Ning, Dean of the School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics of Lanzhou University (LZU) and the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education of Western Disaster and Environmental Mechanics in the SEA main channel, SA South Asia Channel and ANZ Australia Channel of its Asia-Pacific TV network. The video centering on desertification and sandstorm disaster has made the issue of environmental protection once again a hot topic.

The video introduces LZU's efforts on the mechanism of wind-sand movement which causes serious desertification and sandstorm disasters in West China, as well as the possible measures might be taken to curb the further environmental degradation.

From the the laws of sand movement, desert expansion and sandstorm hazards to the effective measures in sand control, the video presents the sand-wind issues relevant to our daily lives and scientists’ endeavor in this field in an easy-to-understand manner.

(Translated by Zhang Yuyuan; proofread by Zhang Lu)