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LZU co-organizes 6th Law Forum on Cross-Straits Peaceful Development

From July 28 to 29, The Sixth Law Forum on Cross-Straits Peaceful Development, hosted by The Law Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits (LARATS), presented by Law Association of Gansu Province and co-organized by LZU, was held in Lanzhou. With the pointcut of "integration, development and law guarantee of economy and society across the straits", more than 200 experts and scholars of law and legal community across the Taiwan Straits gathered here, sharing their minds on the issue of promoting integration and development in new situation.

During the forum, Mr. Wangcheng, Pres. of LZU, addressed the opening ceremony. As the host and speaker of the forum, Prof. Yu Shuyi, Dean of the School of Law, extensively exchanged views with academic and practice institutions of Taiwan over talent training and academic communication, reaching the initial intent of cooperation with them. In the help of co-organization and management of this forum, the influence of the School of Law in LZU is accordingly extended. Meanwhile, its disciplinary construction also reaped good opportunities and prospect of cooperation.


(Translated by Yang Fan; proofread by Ren Yanyang)