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Prof. Fu Song of Tsinghua University Visits LZU for Academic Exchange

From 25th to 28th of July, at the invitation of Zhou Youhe, dean of School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, and Huang Ning, the director of Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, The Ministry of Education of China, Prof. Fu Song of Tsinghua University visited LZU for academic exchange. On the afternoon of 26th July, at the meeting presided by Zhou, Prof. Fu gave a lecture titled "The Brief Introduction of Turbulence Simulation" in Qilian Hall.   

As a specially-appointed professor of Chang Jiang Scholars Program for Ministry of Education and also an AIAA Fellow, Prof. Fu reviewed ten milestones in the development of turbulence model, giving an inclusive summary of turbulence theory and its numerical simulation. With his introduction of the latest research progress ---- the mixed method of RANS-LES, everyone present achieved a better understanding of turbulence. The lecture ended in questions put forwarded by teachers and students here. Prof. Fu answered every question and engaged in a heated discussion with them.


(Translated by Yang Fan; proofread by Ren Yanyang)