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President Yan Chunhua Attends the First International Conference:Universities and Artificial Intelligence Technology in Jordan

The First International Conference: University and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology, co-organized by the Association of Arab Universities and Chinese Association of Higher Education, was held in Amman, Jordan on June 24. President Yan Chunhua, Vice President of China Association of Higher Education (CAHE), Director of China-Arab Consortium of Universities Exchange Mechanism, member of Chinese Academy of Science attended the conference and delivered a speech.

President Yan Chunhua noted that the rapid development of AI has laid a solid foundation for the development of digital education, human health, industrialization, informatization as well as youth talent cultivating in the past decade. He stressed that the conference provided a good opportunity for Chinese and Arab universities to  deepen mutual understanding and exchanges. He also added that the development of digital higher education requires continuous efforts of universities and institutions from China, Arab countries and other countries. We need to refresh our understanding constantly and promote cultural exchanges between China and Arab countries. The common goal of global higher education is not only to serve the development of science and technology as well as education in one’s own country, but also to build a community with shared future for humanity with joint development, sustainable prosperity and long-term stability. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to openness and cooperation, deeply integrate digital technology innovation and practical application, and promote the all-round progress and high-quality development of human society.

The conference was attended by nearly 200 representatives from 36 universities of 14 countries including China, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Qatar, Turkey, UAE, Malaysia, Azerbaijan and Germany, etc.