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LZU 2017 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony for Graduates

On the morning of September 8, the new gymnasium of  Lanzhou University, accompanied by the solemn national anthem witnessed the 2017 Fall Semester Opening Ceremony for Graduates. The attendants included Party Secretary Yuan Zhanting, President Wang Cheng, excellent alumni Wang Dengbo, who also acted as the vice President of Gansu Literary Federation and the member of the Party Committee of Gansu Literary Federation, vice Party Secretary Zhong Fuguo and Cao Aihui, vice President Cao Hong as well as the President assistant Fan Baojun.  The vice President Cao Hong presided over the ceremony.

Pres. Wang, on behalf of LZU, expressed his sincere congratulation and warm welcome to the 573 doctoral students and 3678 graduate students enrolled in 2017. He also extended cordial gratitude to graduates’ parents and teachers for their cultivation and teaching.

Pres. Wang put forward expectations in three aspects for all the graduates present. First, the President hoped that the graduates can have great ambitions, so that they can practice their dreams freely under the context of “Chinese Dream”. Second, President Wang hoped that the graduates can be innovative enough to lead this innovation-oriented era, so that they can make more achievements in science researches and realize their values while promoting the national development and social progress. Third, President Wang hoped that the graduates can be diligent and honest enough to inherit the LZU spirit (Constantly improving while blazing a new trail) so as to create a splendid page for LZU’s another hundred-year development.

The alumni Wang Dengbo also made a speech in the ceremony. He believed that since its foundation, LZU took the heavy responsibility for developing the education in northwest China. In Wang’s eyes, LZU is a lonely university, but this loneliness is just like a weight, thanks to which, the China’s education landscape is not totally imbalanced.

In spite of the tremendous difficulties and challenges in the road ahead, we have the confidence to tackle them and gain more achievements through making corresponding adjustments. Today will be the start of the new LZUers’ university life in Lanzhou University.


(Translated by Yanghan; proofread by Zhang Yuyuan)