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Armenia’s Vice-Minister of Department of Culture Aref meets LZU “Silk Road Art Exchange between China and Others” NSSFC project team


Invited by Armenia’s Department of Culture, members of NSSFC(National Social Science Fund of China) major project “Silk Road Art Exchange between China and Others” left for Armenia to launch project surveys and academic exchange under the leadership of Chief Expert Cheng Jinchen, LZU’s professor of School of Literature from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2. Armenia’s Vice-Minister of Department of Culture Aref met with the research group together, accompanying with the counselor of China’s Embassy of Armenia Guo Yu .

During the meeting, Prof. Cheng Jincheng extended gratitude to the invitation of Armenia’s Department of Culture and introduced the content of project “Silk Road Art Exchange between China and Others”. He also expressed the aspiration of developing cooperative research with Armenia’s experts in realm of arts such as ceramics, painting, architecture, costume, music and dancing. Aref extended warm welcome to the visit of the research group. After introducing the participants of Silk Road International Cultural Forum, she said that Armenia’s relevant cultural organizations will be arranged to help the research group with the survey and academic exchange.

The art of Silk Road belongs to the world art and its aesthetic objects are the longest in duration, largest in space and characterized with common communities in human civilization. By showing pictures, diagrams and diagrammatic presentation, the major subject “Silk Road Art Exchange between China and Others” sorts out systematically the main phenomena which influenced art exchanges between China and countries along the Silk Road. Being one of the countries along the Belt and the Road, Armenia is abundant in cultural resources during the art exchanges of Silk Road, which was especially characterized with the art of religious architecture, carpet fabric and music.


(Translated by Li Xingyi; proofread by Zhang Yina)