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LZUers attend 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry

The 6th Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry (APSORC 17) was held in Jeju of South Korea from September 17 to 22, which was hosted by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. Over 400 experts and scholars from 21 regions and countries covering China, Japan, South Korea and the United States attended the symposium. Some experts with world-known fame in the fields of radiochemistry also attended this conference, including Prof. Pavel P. Povince, winner of 2017 Hevesy Medal, Zsolt Revay, editor-in-chief of JRNC, a SCI international journal, and Chai Zhifang, researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Besides, Prof. Wu Wangsuo and Associate Prof. Shi Keliang, from LZU’ School of Nuclear Science and Technology, were also invited to attend the symposium.

Prof. Wu Wangsuo was asked to give a speech titled with “Future Perspectives of Nuclear and Radiochemistry Education in the New Era of the Silk Road according to Chinese Nuclear Energy Development” at the symposium. He introduced China’s talent cultivation in the field of radiochemistry and international cooperation and exchange of nuclear industry chain along the Belt and Road, arousing present scholars’ attention and their heated discussion.  And as one of the APSORC 17 Technical Session Chair, he was invited to host the chapter meeting themed with “Environmental Radiochemistry and Radioecology”.

Associate Prof. Shi Keliang also made an invited report under the heading: “Analysis of Technetium and Its Speciation in Seaweed Samples by Indutively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry”. He introduced new analytical method for radionuclear in environmental samples and research work related to morphological analysis. Meanwhile, being one of the APSORC 17 Technical Session Chair, he was invited to host the chapter meeting titled with “Separation Chemistry”

It is reported that the Asia-Pacific Symposium on Radiochemistry is held every four years, and the current symposium is the sixth session. Among the few invited reporters, there are four Chinese scholars and two of them are from Lanzhou University, indicating that LZU has been internationally recognized in the research of radiochemistry.


(Translated by Li Rui; proofread by Song Rong)