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LZU 1st Hindu Kush, Karakorum, Pamirs Scientific Investigation

Investigating the natural reserve in Pamirs

The integrated scientific investigation team of LZU, led by Dr. Long Ruijun, the second-grade professor of the School of Life Science of LZU and the senior ecologist of the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), successfully finished its first integrated scientific investigation in Tajikistan, Pakistan, as well as Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and Pamirs of Sinkiang, China. Such an activity was made in response to “The Belt and Road” initiative with the aim to promote the ecology research of LZU as the first-rate subject and to prepare for the in-depth participation in “Pan-Third Pole Scientific Investigation”. This scientific investigation, which was prepared in the early August 2017 and ended in the middle of October, covered 31 days and more than 4,000 kilometers. Over 300 people participated in this scientific investigation, visiting 23 partner organizations and holding 16 forums. Emphasized, supported and affirmed by national departments concerned and local governments, this scientific investigation is as fruitful as being expected. In addition, this scientific investigation is funded by LZU Central University Fund and the international cooperation project of the Science and Technology Department of Gansu Province.

The animal husbandry in Pamirs

During the 31-day integrated investigation of LZU in Hindu Kush, Karakorum, and Pamirs, the team not only got a knowledge of the changes and status quo of local nature, culture and society as well as discussed the potential cooperation field of common interests with many partners, but also discussed the site selection of the field station and model base that LZU plans to establish in Tajikistan and Pakistan and did the on-the-spot investigation with related personnel. This scientific investigation lays solid foundation for some follow-up work of LZU, including promoting the first-rate subject construction of the ecology, expanding the cooperation coverage with the countries along “The Belt and Road”, and deeply participating in the “Pan-Third Pole Scientific Investigation” in the future.


(Translated by Yan Han; proofread by Zhang Yuyuan)