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Opening Ceremony of Institute of Qilian Mountain held in LZU

On the morning of Jan. 13rd, the opening ceremony of Institute of Qilian Mountain : Forum on Ecological Protection, Management and Sustainable Development of Qilian Mountain was held at Yifu Science Hall in LZU.

LZU Party Secretary Yuan Zhangting,  announced the instructions of building Institute of Qilian Mountain and holding Forum on Ecological Protection and Management and Sustainable Development of Qilian Mountain given by Tang Renjian, Vice-Secretary of CPC Gansu Provincial Committee as well as Governor of Gansu Province. The instructions mentioned that LZU could focus on ecological protection and green development of Qilian Mountain, comprehensively improve monitoring, assessment and forewarning capacities Qianlian Mountain’s eco-environment to solve several key problems of Qilian Mountain, such as ecosystem protection and restoration, water conservation, biodiversity conservation, long-term mechanism creation of  ecological protection, etc.

Academician Yao Tandong, Director of Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and  Researcher Wang Tao, Dean of Lanzhou Branch Chinese Academy of Sciences, unveiled the plaque for Institute of Qilian Mountain.

Yan Chunhua, President of LZU, expressed sincere thanks to Gansu provincial committee and government and its relevant functional departments, peer colleges, leaders and scholars present on the conference for their instructions and help contributed to LZU’s development. He said, cadres, professors and students of LZU are all focusing on the ecological protection of Qilian Mountain in recent years and at least 6 colleges of LZU  are directly related to Qilian Mountain  in the field of research and development,  ecological protection and restoration and have  carried out some researching project as the basis for better ecological protection and restoration in the future.

It is said that Institute of Qilian Mountain  is attached to LZU, co-built by local government and relevant departments, colleges and universities and scientific research institutes, and  implements dean responsibility system instructed by Council and Academic Advisory Committee. Academician Yao Tandong is appointed as honorary president and Prof. Gou Xiaohua as dean. Aiming at fully answering to the need of improvement of Qilian Mountain national park and ecological safety barrier, the Institute will , highlight the research on the ecological protection and sustainable development of theMountain with its focus on water, ecology and human activities. At the same time, the unified whole of ecology-environment-economy-society of Qilian Mountain will be monitored and assessed by the third party. Besides, the Institute will hold “Forum on Ecological Protection and Management and Sustainable Development of Qilian Mountain”, issue white paper on ecological protection and socio-economic development of Qilian Mountain and propose scheme on natural ecological resources system protection and comprehensive improvement of the land including the protection of forest , restoration of degenerated grassland, appropriate utilization of land resources, etc. Moreover, it will also form the economic system of green, circular, and low-carbon development and the eco-industrial system based on tourism, ecological agriculture and husbandry and other industries featured by energy conservation and environment protection.   All these will help the Institute produce a series of thematic studies, investigation reports and policy consultation reports with great influence both home and abroad to promote the sustainable development of local economy and society and to achieve the aim of harmonious coexistence between human and nature.


(Translated by Li Qi; proofread by Zhang Lu)