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LZU Prof. Zeng Xianghong publishes paper in Social Sciences in China

The Global Governance of Terrorism: Mechanism and Its Assessment, written by  prof. Zeng Xinaghong from Institute of Central Asia Studies and LZU School of Management, got published in  Social Sciences in China, volume 12, 2017. The over 20,000-word academic paper is the second paper that is published by an LZU professor  as the first author in Social Sciences in China since 1997.

The publication of The Global Governance of Terrorism: Mechanism and Its Assessment is a demonstration of a spectacular progress of the research on terrorism made by the Institute of Central Asia Studies, Lanzhou University. Terrorism has always been one of the three majors and special research interests of the Institute. (The other two are researches on Central Asia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Anti-session Theory.)

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Accredited as the highest level of comprehensive social sciences newspaper by the academic community, Social Sciences in China is a comprehensive social scientific newspaper sponsored by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. According to the statistics, Social Sciences in China published 135 papers in 2016 and the citation rate is 1.77%, eight of which are papers on international relations; it published 128 papers in 2015 and the citation rate is 1.72%, including 3 papers on international relations.


(Translated by Zhang Yina; proofread by Li Xingyi)