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Lanzhou University attends the sub-network working meeting held by “Belt & Road” Think Tank Association

On the morning of February 7th, a sub-network working meeting was held by Secretariat of "Belt & Road" Think Tank Association (BRTTA) in Beijing. Vice-chancellor Cao Hong et al of LZU as the leading unit of the “China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor” (CCWAEC) participated in the sub-network meeting of BRTTA. It was chaired by Jin Xin, director of the Contemporary World Studies of the International Department, Central Committee of CPC and secretary-general of BRTTA.

Vice-chancellor Cao Hong of LZU comprehensively summarized the key tasks and achievements made by LZU in 2017 to strengthen its development of think tank and to construct the “CCWAEC” sub-network, and also introduced the 2018 working plan as well as provided constructive suggestions on closer cooperation between think tanks and research improvement of their research studies.

Jin Xin pointed out in his work report that since its establishment, BRTTA with over 200 domestic and foreign members yet, has fully played an important role in advising government, aiding public diplomacy, and promoting cooperation. He hoped that all units can effectively advance the "Belt & Road" research and exchange work as a foundation for enhancing pragmatic cooperation and building "Think Tank +".


(Translated by Li Qi; proofread by Zhang Lu)