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Lanzhou University students “chisel” a “cave library” on ladders

Recently, a group of students “chiseled” a “cave” at the steps of LZU’s Yuzhong Campus leading to Cuiying Hill and “arranged” a huge “bookshelf” in it, which attracts teachers and students to appreciate it and take pictures.

It turns out that this is the “Reading in LZU” creative graffiti activity organized by the students of Art Academy (AC). The graffiti is exactly like a “cave library” built on ladders. It looks like a tall layered bookshelf echoing with the nearby Kunlun Building (library), which adds a new landmark to the campus.

With regard to the idea and the realization of this fantastic thought, the students participating in the creation said that if our fellows and friends still remember the graffiti and its meaning after graduation, it is the greatest encouragement and affirmation. Students of AC by virtue of their own expertise interpret the youth and love brought by LZU.


(Translated by Li Qi; proofread by Zhang Lu)