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Associate prof. Yu Fusheng of Lanzhou University contributes to firstly detecting double charmed baryon

Recently the Ministry of Science and Technology published “Ten big progresses in China’s science in 2017”, among which, “the first detecting of double charmed baryon” made by LHCb China research group led by Gao Yuanning ranks the third. On behalf of the China team, professor Gao Yuanning wrote a letter to the School of  Nuclear Science and Technology of LZU, thanking their theoretical contribution to it.

The double charmed baryon detected mainly by Chinese scientists for the first time in experiment are two heavy quarks, which open doors for understanding material construction and the essence of strong interaction. Gao Yuanning, the head of the China team of LHCb pointed “In his research with collaborators, associative Pprof. Yu Fusheng discovered that there is a greater branch ratio when the double charmed baryon decays to an extent when it can be easily detected. It is the best choice to detect double charmed baryon in the experiment. During the process of experimenting and researching the double charmed baryon, associate prof. Yu Fusheng was invited to make a academic report in the cooperative group meeting of LHCB and conducted deep and wide discussions on the relevant issues with other scholars, providing many beneficial suggestions.” Prof. Giovanni Passaleva, the spokesman of LHCb international cooperation team said that the Chinese theorists had provided important support and their key suggestion led the analysis to making breakthrough in the right direction. LHCb cooperative group extended especial gratitude in the paper about detecting the double charmed baryon [Phys.Rev.Lett 119,112001 (2017)], to the Chinese theorists including Yu Fusheng for their contribution.

Associate prof. Yu Fusheng is mainly dedicated to researching charm physics, an important branch of  particle physics and nuclear physics, which are the national key disciplines as well as the traditional predominant disciplines of LZU.  The school will conduct further cooperation with high-level universities and research institutes in accelerating the pace of carrying out “Two World-Classes” construction so as to deliver more fruitful achievements in refining advantageous disciplines.


(Translated by Sun Lianyue; proofread by Yang Han)