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Prof. Eugene Chen Y.-X. visits Lanzhou University for academic exchange

Eugene Chen, a well-known polymer synthesis scholar of Colorado State University in the United States, visited LZU for academic exchange at the invitation of the Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metals Chemistry and Resources Utilization, Gansu Province and the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He delivered a wonderful academic report titled "Chemical Synthesis of Stereoperfect Bacterial Polyesters and Infinitely Recyclable Polymers" at the second chemistry building in LZU on March 20th.

Teachers and students from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering attended the seminar. Prof. Chen introduced his team’s original research efforts in detail during the report, arousing students' great interests. They asked questions actively, through which they benefited a lot and acquired more detailed knowledge of polymer synthesis methods. This contributed to widen their sight and arouse their passion for scientific research. In addition, some teachers and students had in-depth discussions with Prof. Chen after the report.


(Translated by Li Rui; Proofread by Song Rong)