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Delegation of Lanzhou University visits Canada and America for talent recruitment

To bring in high-level talents, strengthen the relationship among LZU’s alumni, promote international collaboration and exchange and improve LZU’s reputation and influence over outside world, the delegation led by Yuan Zhanting, Secretary of the Party Committee of LZU, went to Canada and America to launch activities concerning high-level talent recruitment and publicity, alumni fellowship and international cooperation and exchange from April 10th to 18th.

Productive talent recruitment and publicity

On the afternoon of April 13th Vancouver time, the Canadian talent recruitment fair of LZU (also the alumni fellowship) was held in the Asian Center of the University of British Columbia. On the afternoon of April 15th San Francisco time, the American talent recruitment fair of LZU(also the alumni fellowship) was held in Standford University in Silicon Valley.

In the recruitment fairs, the delegation communicated with present scholars and students abroad.

During the visit, the delegation has went to Simon Fraser University, Canada TRIUMF National Laboratory, University of California Berkeley, communicating with DR. Victor Song, DR. Liu Zhiyi, etc. and inviting them to work in LZU.

Intensified international cooperation and exchange

On the evening of April 10th Vancouver time, the delegation met with Mr. Geoff Young, the Acting Mayor and councillor of the City of Victoria , as well as Professor Dong Zuomin, working in the engineering school of the University of Victoria. The two parties exchanged ideas on promoting the education cooperation between LZU and the City of Victoria and bringing in excellent talents from the University of Victoria to LZU.

On the morning of April 11th Vancouver time, the delegation visited the University of Victoria and met with the Vice President Prof. Nancy Wright. Secretary Yuan and Prof. Nancy Wright reached a consensus about launching cooperation among relevant schools in scientific research, academic exchange, mutual visits of teachers and students between two parties.

On the morning of April 12nd Vancouver time, the delegation visited the Cyclotron Center of Canada TRIUMF National Laboratory, ARCHON and Simon Fraser University.

In the morning of April 13rd Vancouver time, the delegation visited the University of British Columbia and met with the Vice Academic Dean Dr. Murali Chandrashekaran. Dr. Murali introduced the basic information on the university and expressed the sincere hope of conducting holistic university-level cooperation with LZU. In addition, Prof. Laurel Schafer, the Vice Dean of the Chemistry School, highly commended the students abroad from LZU studying in her research group. She also stated her schedule of coming to LZU recently and communicating with the Chemistry School of LZU about the future cooperation.

At noon, the delegation visited Boost Environment Processing Company, and communicated with Dr. Sergey Lobanov, the representative of the company, and Dr. Asha Srinivasan, Chief Technology Officer (CTO).

On the morning of April 15th San Francisco time, the delegation visited the Carnegie Institution at Standford University as well as the laboratory of the Department of Nerve of the Medicine School.

On the morning of April 16th San Francisco, the delegation visited the Chemistry School of University of California Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Omar Yaghi Professor Laboratory. The delegation also met with Prof. Jeffrey Reimer, Dean of the Chemical Engineering School, Prof. Toste,the new academician of American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Dean of the Chemistry School.

The brighter prospect coming from alumni fellowship and exchange

During this visit, the delegation held the talent recruitment fairs and launched the alumni fellowships as well. In the recruitment fairs, Secretary Yuan upgraded the preparation work of LZU’s 110th anniversary and the work related to alumni. He hoped that the alumni all over the world could participate in the activities of LZU’s 100th anniversary through various means, integrating the “Alumni Dream” and “LZU Dream” with “Chinese Dream”, enjoying the excitement of this 110th anniversary and contributing to the construction of “world-class university and world-class disciplines” of LZU.

Besides, On the afternoon of April 14th, the delegation visited Silicon Valley Silk ID Systems Company, Silicon Valley Innovation Center of ZK Group Inc., where the alumni Che Quanhong was the chairman, and Armatura Incubator Center and exchanged ideas.

This visit has won extensive attention and publicity. Local media in Vancouver and San Francisco, including Global Chinese Press, the Vancouver Online and Sing Tao Industrial and Commercial Newspaper, have reported the talent recruitment fairs and alumni fellowships held by LZU.


(Translated by Yang Han; proofread by Zhang Yuyuan; edited by Li Xingyi)