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Lanzhou University and National Space Science Center built Meridian Project Lanzhou station

On the morning of May 3rd, the signing ceremony of the second-phase of the national meridian project co-built by LZU and National Space Science Center was held in the main campus. Wang Chi, director of the Center, Fu Xiaofeng, deputy director-general of Science and Rechnology Department of Gansu province, Yuan Zhanhua, sceretary of the Party committee of LZU, An Lizhe, vice-president of LZU, and other experts attended the ceremony.

Director Wang Chi introduced that the second-phase of the national Meridian Project would focus on western regions and build a territory-crossing monitoring network possessing two horizontal lines and two longitudinal lines on the basis of the first-phase project, so as to monitor the multi-parameter space environment covering the whole polar-territorial space over the country. Located at the cusp of 40 ° N and 110 ° E, Lanzhou is the key monitoring area of meridian project. Once completed, the comprehensive observation station of space environemnt in Lanzhou, one of the important stations of the second-phase of Meridian Project, will possess advanced observation stations. 

According to vice-president An, LZU has established Qilian Mountain Institute and Belt and Road Research Center successively, forming distinctive features and achieving positive results. We will, taking this as an opportunity, strengthen the cooperation with relevant institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences and focus on national strategies, in the hope of pushing the scientific and technological competitiveness and influence of LZU to a new stage.

Deputy director-general Fu Xiaofeng stated that the construction of this project would accelerate LZU’s pace in establishing the first-class scientific research platform. LZU should reinforce the cooperation and exchanges with all institutes of Chinese Academt of Sciences while respecting the reality of scientific and technological development of Gansu province. Attracting talents via an innovative atmosphere is what LZU should do to make greater contributions to Gansu’s science and technology


(Translated by Yang Han; proofread by Zhang Yuyuan; edited by Sun Lianyue )