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Lanzhou University recruits talents in Chicago and Boston

In order to further recruit outstanding talents and expand recruitment channels, the LZU Talent Office director and the International Office director went to the United States to carry out high-level talent recruitment and publicity activities from April 27th to 29th, and conducted interviews with nearly 20 Chinese students. Eight of them signed an agreement of intent and another five expressed their desire to work in LZU.

On the morning of April 27, Chicago time, the talent recruitment meeting was held in the Education Section of the Consulate General of Chicago. At the job fair, the directors introduced the LZU’s history, subject and platform advantages, talent development strategies and policies to Chinese students. Then they discussed with more than 10 Chinese students from Michigan State University and other universities and answered their questions in details.

After the meeting, Counselor Chen Yinghui of the Consulate General in Chicago praised the LZU’s achievements in recent years. He hoped that Lanzhou University, located in the west, would further strengthen recruitment of talents and support the national strategy and economic development in the western region. The consulate will play the role of a talent introduction platform and support the country's "Double-First class" initaitive.

On the morning of April 29th, Boston time, talent recruitment was held at Beacon 1750 Hotel. There were interviews with 6 scholars from colleges and universities such as MIT.

After the recruitment, the Talent Office director and the International Office director were invited to attend the Boston Alumni Association. The alumni are very concerned about the development of the school, and put forward good suggestions on undergraduate training, alumni work and other aspects. They hope to contribute to the development of LZU disciplines, personnel training, and social services through different forms.


(Translated by Zhang Yuyuan; proofread by Sun Lianyue; edited by Sun Lianyue)