
Social capital constrains opportunistic behavior and facilitates cooperation in bilateral relationships (Coleman 1988; Guiso 2010). We hypothesize that firms conducting business with high social capital customers are perceived by their banks as having lower supply chain risk and document a negative association between suppliers’ loan spreads and their major customers’social capital. Our cross-sectional analyses show that the negative association is stronger when: (1)suppliers make more significa...

Metasurfaces are ultra-thin metamaterials composed by planar meta-atoms arranged in specific macroscopic orders, which exhibit strong capabilities to control light [1-2]. In this Colloquium, I will present a brief overview on the historical development of this fast-developing research field, focusing particularly on our recent efforts in employing metasurfaces to control light in various aspects....



In this talk, we present a novel spectral re-normalization exponential integrator method for solving gradient flow problems. Our method is specifically designed to simultaneously satisfy discrete analogues of the energy dissipation laws and achieve high-order accuracy in time. To accomplish this, our method first incorporates the energy dissipation law into the target gradient flow equation by introducing a time-dependent spectral re-normalization (TDSR) factor....


The latest development of e-commerce transfers a part of the brands’ competition in the traditional market to a new channel, the livestreaming channel. In addition to the excitement generated by the very nature of livestreaming, consumers are attracted to the livestreaming channel because livestreamers often offer lowest-price guarantee....



Firms are increasingly disclosing Scope 3 (supply chain) carbon emissions in addition to Scope 1-2 (direct and energy consumption) emissions. Two common Scope 3 emission assessments exist: Life-Cycle which encompasses emissions of all firms in the supply chain, and Cradle-to-Gate which encompasses emissions of all upstream firms. One can also conceptualize a Gate-to-Grave assessment which encompasses emissions of all downstream firms....