On Nov. 23, Lin Jing and Xue Chaohua from “China Daily” published the article titled as “Blurring the lines:Vibrant expatriate community discovers the taste of real China in Lanzhou” at http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2012-11/23/content_1...
On Nov. 23, Lin Jing and Xue Chaohua from “China Daily” published the article titled as “Blurring the lines:Vibrant expatriate community discovers the taste of real China in Lanzhou” at http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2012-11/23/content_1...
On Dec. 18, the annual committee conference of the Science and Technology Commission of Ministry of Education (ST Commission of MOE) was held in Beijing, releasing the list of the "Top 10 ST Progress in Chinese Universities Award” in 2012. The Proj...
Recently, “ACS News Service Weekly PressPac” reported the latest development of Prof. Liu Mingzhu’s research team from the School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering with the title of “Ingredient in diarrhea medicine leads to sustainable new f...